1st Read It Aloud!![]() 1st Read It Aloud! 平台: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven 下载大小: 3 MB的 单牌照价格: $19.95 美元 概述 | 特点 | 系统要求 | 截图 | 常见问题 | 网友评论 概述我们的孩子常常问我们要大声地读一些。然而,成年人往往需要有人为他们读得。这就是为什么 1st Read It Aloud! 已建立。因为现在,你可以听到你的声音要被你喜欢的音调和速度,你想阅读的文本。只要 选择 从一些文字 任何 应用, 按热键 和 喜欢听 到 真人发声 读您的文件,自述,笔记,电子邮件,网站和其他有用的东西很多。你甚至不需要所需的文本复制到剪贴板!有什么可以更容易?只要选择,听着! 英语是通用于世界各地。美国,加拿大,英国和其他许多国家说英语,但有时是单词的发音和不同的地方,你到底住而定。随着 1st Read It Aloud! 你可以很容易地纠正任何单词的发音。 1st Read It Aloud! 支持20多个不同语言的众多声音,它也支持老SAPI4和语音合成技术的新SAPI5。给你的是休息。让电脑跟你说话,你大声地读你的父母在你小时候一样。 在你买 1st Read It Aloud! 请浏览它的主要优点: 有哪些优势 1st Read It Aloud?
尝试 1st Read It Aloud! 现在 要确保这是真的! 下载更多的声音和语音引擎 1st Read It Aloud! 主要特点
如果你觉得应该有更多的功能或功能,请写信给我们 - manager@qwertystudios.com - 告知,你要什么功能我们纳入计划。我们也可以创建自定义的建设方案,专为公司或团队的具体能力。 倒谱®声音 - 是最好的解决办法。在倒谱®,文字转语音(TTS)是唯一的焦点。他们让现实合成的声音,可以说什么的个性和风格,任何地方。从最小的设备到大型设备和高端的互动媒体;倒谱的声音能够带来新鲜的内容你的耳朵上的需求。 倒谱的声音非常适合 1st Read It Aloud! 截图
常见问题问题: 没有什么额外的文件 1st Read It Aloud! 要求? 答: 1st Read It Aloud! 要求 微软文本到语音引擎, 微软语音API(SAPI的) 和至少一个 TTS声音 安装在您的系统。你并不需要手动下载,因为 1st Read It Aloud的安装程序包含了所有这些文件。 网友评论thomas (10 Feb 2009, 11:44) I love it. Emily is a very pleasant voice.
Emily (18 Jun 2009, 19:09) I am so excited! This is the only TTS software I have found so far where I can get it to read me the punctuation and I can edit how it sounds! Other software lets me define custom words but if it happens to be a comma it will never say "comma". This is great stuff, I am really happy!!!
Svein (28 Feb 2010, 17:15) I use Speaking Notepad, and I wonder if there are any rules to manipulate the voice pronunciation (apart from question mark, commas and periods)?
I also wonder why my 1st Read it Aloud seems to hang? It starts and docks in the system tray. But when I mark a text and try to read, my computer hangs for 2-3 minutes. And then 1st Read closes. Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks for any help!
Qwerty Studios (1 Mar 2010, 09:01) Svein, please write to support@qwertystudios.com and let them know the questions and problems you have. They'll help you quickly and professionally with the issue you have.
Marie Coppolaro (19 Mar 2010, 19:59) I\'m really interested in 1st Read It Aloud.I have downloaded a trial version - how long does it go for? What is cost of a site licence?
Many thanks
Qwerty Studios (21 Mar 2010, 05:56) Marie, trial version of 1st Read It Aloud has not time lmitation, but has limitation on how many times you can use it per Windows session. You should purchase it to remove all limitations.
The cost of site license is $300. alternatively, you can purchase single licenses for the number of computers you need and dynamical discount will be applied. Please write to support@qwertystudios.com witht he number of computers you need licenses for and we\'ll advise you the most cost effective terms.
Tony Nikolaou (19 Oct 2010, 21:02) I\\\'m really interested in 1st Read It Aloud
Ada (15 Feb 2011, 10:56) Un favor, ?como puedo switchear entre lenguajes.?
Instale ingles y espa?ol, pero solo me esta leyendo en ingles.
Qwerty Studios (15 Feb 2011, 16:48) Ada, please write in english.
Neytrino (20 Aug 2012, 05:25) What about Windows 8 Version?
Sergiu (10 Apr 2014, 21:26) I bought this product a few years ago and I can not register it. Please help.